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childproofing for newborns

Childcare will always be complicated, but it seems to have gotten more complicated as our culture changes and our technology progresses. Adding an additional level of difficulty is that some of the items we need to keep children away from are also items we need for everyday accessibility; that is, we need those items for everyday use and they are items we keep reaching for.

As such, baby proofing can be a complicated task, and one that can make parents feel even more inadequate. With all those advancements come with tools to help you protect your newborn for years to come.

A Little Paranoia

When you start child-proofing, start with the basics: Outlets should be covered, chemicals should be out of reach, and sharp objects should be put away; anything that could harm the child should be either covered to prevent it from being investigated or from being touched or tasted. Child gates should be debated; while they can keep children out of specific areas, children do have a way of finding ways around them or opening them. This can be a major process in and of itself. Also, view your cords and extension cords to see how they may look to a child; kids love solving problems, and seeing a mess of cords presents a fun challenge to them. Use cord ties to keep everything organized and apply the same logic to the outlets in your plugs to the ones in the extension cord. a Good Thing

You should also make sure that there is nothing harmful on lower shelves, as well as items that you do not want damage; youthful curiosity knows no bounds. You should also lightly push things to make sure they are robust enough to resist a child falling against them. Your home can be safe for a child, but you need to be a little paranoid. Use that to your advantage and your house should be very well child-proofed.

For more tips and products to protect your baby, contact us using the link below:


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