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Keep the Littles Safe From Poisonous Plants

Spending time walking in your backyard or the park is good for you and your child's health. However, a chance encounter with a harmful plant could cause problems. Certain fall plants that commonly grow in your backyard or in public areas, are quite poisonous and can adversely affect your baby's health. Find below a compilation of some of these plants.

Poison Ivy: This yellow/orange colored common plant can cause serious skin itches if your child accidentally come in contact with it. You can find this plant everywhere in the United States with the exception of Hawaii, Alaska and some parts of the southwestern deserts.

Poison Oak: If you notice rashes or blisters on your child's skin, you can suspect that they have come in contact with this plant. Recognizing this plant is quite easy as it has a triple leaf structure, just like poison ivy does. Avoid any contact with this plant that has a dull green color when possible.

Poison Sumac: It is unarguably the most toxic plant in the United States. When bruised or damaged, this plant releases an oil known as urushiol. When skin comes in contact with this oil, it leads to an allergic reaction. Rashes appear on the skin 8-48 hours after exposure. Remember, all parts of this plant are toxic even after the plant dies.

Wild Parsnip: This toxic plant that consists of egg-shaped leaflets having saw toothed edges is extremely invasive and spreads rapidly. The sap of this plant contains toxic chemicals, activated by sunlight. Coming in contact with the chemical can cause serious blisters and burns to human skin.

Chrysanthemums: Apart from being toxic for humans, this plant also affects dogs and cats. Coming in contact with this plant, containing toxins such as sesquiterperne, pyrethins and lactones can cause incoordination, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Some of the other poisonous plants include:

• Giant Hogweed

• Stinging Nettle

• Machineel

• Elderberry

• Daffodil, and many more.

Become familiar with these plants and what they look like. Check your yard or observe common areas your children may play while outside. When possible, teach them which plants are unhealthy and not to touch them.


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