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Prevent Infant choking

One of the scariest moments you can have is believing your child is choking. The great news is that is can be prevented.


Babies are at greatest risk of choking due to their petite airways. Babies have a lot of work to do to learn various ways to move their bodies and how to use their limbs. Babies need to learn how to properly chew and swallow their food, so bigger pieces have a high risk of obstructing their airway. In addition, babies aren't able to cough as forcefully as adults and older children.

Dangerous Items

While the most probable items for babies to choke on is food. However, while learning and exploring, babies can run into smaller objects which they immediately put in their mouths. These can include marbles, dice, button batteries, change, small toys, games pieces and pen caps. Baby proofing your home includes keeping small items out of reach of mobile babies and toddlers.

Some foods can move into the dangerous items category depending on their size. Grapes and cherry tomatoes are the perfect size to get lodged in your baby's throat. Any food provided to your child should ensure the food is an appropriate and safe size for them to eat. Food should be pureed for babies 4 months and older. It's best to avoid popcorn, nuts or items with seeds.

Supervision is Key

During a meal, do not allow your children to walk or run around. They should be seated and focused on the food in front of them. Discourage talking with food in their mouths. Encourage them to focus on chewing and swallowing and not to "pop" or throw food into their mouths. Becoming certified in child CPR is vital to protecting your child in an emergency.

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